Ramlee Abdul Rahman (MIMA) & Dr. Basri Hassan (IIUM) presented an opinion paper. For their literature review, they found out the success factors to Knowledge sharing is the quality of human resource.
KM is about cultural change or behavioral change. They quoted few authors on the subject of Knowledge Sharing such as:
1. O’Dell, Elliot & Hubert (2000) mentioned about the context of knowledge sharing. The strongest resistance in organization is knowledge sharing.
2. Lack of understanding about the benefits from Knowledge Sharing and technological inadequate(Dore, 2001).
3. The promotion of KS within an organization depends on changing employees’ attitudes and behaviors – willing to share their knowledge.
4. Rewards and recognitions vital to encourage Knowledge Sharing. However, hard rewards provide only temporary effect(American Productivity Quality Center, 1999).
Most of the authors mentioned about rewards (monetary), attitudes and behaviors of people in organization.
The presenter referred to Islamic teaching that promote Knowledge Sharing.
1. Islam is a knowledge-based religion and the Islamic culture is a knowledge culture (Hosseini, 2006)
2. Muslims K workers – Kworker s of god (individual’s obligation); K-workers of Society
Ultimate goal for knowledge sharing:
1. Enhancement of individual capability and innovation
2. Acquiring knowledge it to be closer to Allah
FORMULA for Knowledge Sharing
KS = Ibadah = Recognising the supremacy of Allah
How to encourage(buy out) staff to share their knowledge. The following points may be implemented
1. Rewards (hard reward/monetary)
2. Treat Knowledge sharing an an Ibadah
3. The staff must have passion for knowledge (comment from : Ustaz Muhammady)
4. Sharing Knowledge is more powerful
5. Understanding the nature of Knowledge. The knowledge will not depleted when share with other; and knowledge is everchanging.
6. There should be an elements of trust and reciprocal.
7. Change to culture of documentation; listserve is a good example and give keyword and structure.