Bengkel yang bertajuk Essential Skills for Library Support Staff telah berjaya diadakan pada 6 hingga 7 November 2006. Bengkel ini dikendalikan oleh saya sendiri sebagai fasilitator bengkel dan dianjurkan oleh Viral Corporation Sdn Bhd bertempat di Hotel UiTM Shah Alam.

"If you want one year's prosperity, grow grain, but if you want ten year's prosperity, grow men and women." Anonymous
Terima kasih En. Azman dan rakan2 sekursus.
Sama2. Semoga berjaya dalam kerjaya anda..
wah..picture dah upload.tq mr azman
tq en azman for ur lectures
welcome. hope u have gained/refreshed your knowledge/skills in librarianship.
Assalamu alaikum wrt,
Mr Azman (ex IIUM libarian) ke? I just accidentally came across this blog. If you need any assistance in library training, I can offer some training in organization of information skill such as cataloging, indexing and abstracting and library metadata plus some library tools such as using LCSH in subject cataloging, subject classification using some classif schemes such as DDC, LCC, Moys Classificatio for Law collection, Arabic and Islamic materials, using AACR2R, outsourcing in cataloging Arabic and Islamic titles, etc. Contact h/p: 019-2198239 Abd Rashid or email rashid9109@yahoo.com. See you later. Good things that you provide information like this. Wassalam
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